






(无授权搬过来一小段,因为真的是太有爱了。其实这是篇焰钢,05后续把弟弟扔家里大佐跑过来了的故事,名字是《IN A DREAM , I SAW》。两个世界的罗伊和修斯都失去了最好的朋友,终于见面的时候一起怀念自己的友人QAQ)


"I'm not him," Roy said at last, and the other man's face fell, disappointment in every line.

"I know," Hughes said. "But you are so very like him, and not just in appearance. Our friendship was strong because each of our strengths complimented the other's weaknesses. I was the voice of reason he often needed to rein in his wildly idealistic beliefs, and he was the moral compass I often needed to temper my pragmatism with compassion. I have had great difficulty seeing the good in people since I lost him. What was this other Maes to you?"

Mustang chose his words with great care. "He was my best friend. He saved my life and gave me a reason to go on living in my darkest moment. He was married to the double of the woman I saw in the flower shop downstairs." Hughes sudden thoughtful expression was not lost on the Amestran. "Together they had a daughter who was the blinding light of his life. And three years ago he was murdered by order of the corrupt leader of my country because he knew too much. I will miss him until the day I die. And I know you are not him."

Hughes nodded slowly, sorrowfully. "Your double, he was also my best friend. He was an expert with explosive devices, and the destruction he caused, the lives lost, played heavily on his conscience. Near the end of the war he was forced to execute a civilian couple that our commander claimed was giving aid to the enemy. They were just small town doctors who didn't care to check the nationality of their patients, and to this day I suspect it was really my friend's loyalty that was being tested." Hughes gritted his teeth. "He never forgave himself for carrying out that order. He sank deeper and deeper into the bottle and self loathing, until one day I found him dead by his own hand. He had used the same gun on himself that he had used on those doctors. I realize as well that you are not him. But at the same time, I'm glad to know that my double in your world was able to save you from perhaps making that same, ultimate mistake."



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